How Bliss Up is Prepared for you: The Manufacturing process

This is How Bliss Up is Prepared for you

The manufacturing process of a Bliss Up involves the following steps:

1. Formulation and Recipe Development: The first step is to develop a recipe for the Bliss Up (Mojito). This involves selecting ingredients that provide the desired taste and mouthfeel without adding any sugar. In Bliss Up, Ace K and Sucralose used as sugar substitutes. Nature identical flavour, preservatives, acids, and other ingredients are also added at this stage to create the desired taste profile.

2. Mixing and Blending: Once the recipe is finalized, the ingredients are mixed and blended in precise quantities to achieve the desired flavour and consistency. This process is completely automated and controlled to ensure consistency in each batch.

3. Carbonation: After mixing, the final liquid is carbonated by dissolving carbon dioxide (CO2) under a specific pressure. The carbonation process involves passing the liquid through carbonation tanks or carbonation towers, where it meets pressurized CO2. The carbon dioxide dissolves in the liquid, creating the characteristic effervescence of carbonated beverages.

4. Filling: The carbonated liquid is then filled into PET bottles. This process is also completely automated and precise to ensure the right amount of liquid is filled into each bottle.

5. Capping and Sealing: Once filled, the PET bottles are capped and sealed to prevent any leakage and to maintain the carbonation.

6. Quality Control: Throughout the manufacturing process, quality control checks are performed to ensure the product meets the desired taste, appearance, and safety standards. We have taken all the necessary measure for quality check at various stages of the entire production such as sampling and testing in both automated as well as in manual way.

7. Labelling: After passing quality control checks, the finished product is first labelled with the labels that contains all the necessary information regarding the product such as brand name, flavour name, nutritional information, ingredients, and all other related information.

8. Coding: After labelling, the final product is directed towards the coding machine through conveyor belt wherein the product is coded with manufacturing date, expiry date, batch number and MRP.

9. Packaging: After coding, the final product is then packed in a case of 24 bottles in shrink wrap and ready for loading into the truck for dispatching to the warehouse of the company.

10. Distribution: The packaged Bliss Up is then distributed to retail outlets or other distribution channels for sale to end consumers.